Welcome to my academic homepage :)
- In July 2024, starting a new duty as a Post-doc researcher at Salzburg Research Ltd. (SRFG),
- In March 2024, obtaining a doctoral degree in technical science in informatics from Alpen-Adria University (of Klagenfurt), Austria;
- From Jan. 2021 until Dec. 2023, being a researcher/developer in the EU DataCloud project.
- From Mar. 2018 until Nov. 2022, being a lecturer and research assistant,
- In May 2016, obtaining an M.Eng. degree with supervision of Prof. N. Movahhedinia,
- In July 2012, obtaining a B.Eng. degree with supervision of Prof. M.R. Khayyambashi,
- Our work named ADApt got accepted.
- ADApt presents an ML clustering-, boosting-based method for Edge device anomaly detection and microservice replica prediction.
- This method is an extension of the ADA-PIPE framework developed throughout the DataCloud EU project.
- IEEE ICFEC 2025 conference; Abstract.
- Presenting at i-Day 2025 event of University of Salzburg: Nachhaltige Digitalisierung durch grünes Bewusstsein; [Event], [Vorträge].
- On 9-10th Dec. 2024, we had a two-day workshop with external advisory board in Salzburg, AT; [Event]; [GroupPicture].
- Our prediction-based scheduler paper, named PreMatch, got accepted.
- Exploring the digitalization of Smart Grid: [Ref-1, Ref-2]
- Plenary meeting of the exdigit cooperators for interdisciplinary research: [Event].
- Contributing to devising a scheduling model for green video encoding services in the Cloud and Edge computing; [1st-Paper], [2nd-Paper].
- On 21st of November 2023, AAU held a workshop at Bitmovin; [Event].
- KaerntnerFog
- In March 2024, I contributed to the second deliverable for microservices orchestration of Smart-City and Virtual-Reality use cases.
- Smart city use case, designed by FH-Kaernten University and Kurt Horvath,
- Virtual reality use case, designed by Selina Isak, focuses on a 360-degree video streaming framework.
- DataCloud
- On 25th Jun. 2024, we presented the final demo of DataCloud to the EU project officer and reviewers.
- On behalf of AAU, I defended the ADA-PIPE tool.
- On 30th Dec. 2023, we submitted the last deliverables of the project. I contributed to the D6.6, D7.4, and D8.3 from the AAU side.
- On 4th Dec. 2023, we held the second session of the ADA-PIPE toolkit tutorial and validation workshop in DCI course at AAU; [Slides].
- AAU led one of the last deliverables and submitted Deliverable - 5.4: Monitoring and resource behavior analysis.
- DataCloud held a one-day toolbox-validation workshop in ICPM2023 conference in Rome; [Event], [Certificate].
- ADA-PIPE v3 is released!
- ADA-PIPE v2 is released!
- On 14th Jul. 2023, my colleague Zahra Najafabadi Samani successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at AAU, [Event].
- On 30th Jun. 2023, my colleague Christian Bauer successfully defended his Master thesis at AAU, [Event].
- He collaborates in the DataCloud project to set up a resource utilization-aware prediction model in ADA-PIPE.
- On 19th-22nd Jun. 2023, DataCloud meeting was held by iExec in Lyon, France, [Event], [GroupPicture], [Slides].
- On 23rd Feb. 2023, DataCloud passed the second review, [Event], [StanaloneTool].
- ADA-PIPE v1 is released!
- Deliverable - 6.3: DataCloud Integrated Toolbox v1.
- Deliverable - 4.3: Applications and appliances repository.
- Deliverable - 5.3: Event-detection and infrastructure and deployment adaptation.
- Deliverable - 5.1: Data-aware resource provisioning across the computing continuum.
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2013-2015
- Data Communication (undergraduate course)
- Performance and Evaluations of Computer Networks (graduate course)
- Internet Engineering (undergraduate course)
- Advanced Distributed Systems (graduate course)
- Incremental Multilayer Resource Partitioning for Application Placement in Dynamic Fog
ZN Samani, N Mehran, D Kimovski, S Benedict, N Saurabh, R Prodan;
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1877-1896, 2023.
- Mobility-Aware IoT Applications Placement in the Cloud Edge Continuum
Dragi Kimovski, Narges Mehran, Christopher Emanuel Kerth, Radu Prodan;
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 3358-3371, 2021.
- Randomized_SVD based Probabilistic Caching Strategy in Named Data Networks
Narges Mehran, Naser Movahhedinia;
Journal of Computing and Security, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 217-231, 2018.
- Non-uniform EWMA-PCA based cache size allocation scheme in Named Data Networks
Narges Mehran, Naser Movahhedinia;
Sci China Inf Sci, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 012104: 1-13, 2018.
- Performance Evaluation of Authentication-Encryption and Confidentiality Block Cipher Modes of Operation on Digital Image
Narges Mehran, Mohammad Reza Khayyambashi;
International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS), Vol.9, No.9, pp. 30-37, 2017.
- Proactive SLA-aware Application Placement in the Computing Continuum
Zahra Najafabadi Samani, Narges Mehran, Dragi Kimovski, Radu Prodan;
2023 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2023, [Event].
- MPEC2: Multilayer and Pipeline Video Encoding on the Computing Continuum
Samira Afzal, Zahra Najafabadi Samani, Narges Mehran, Christian Timmerer, Radu Prodan;
IEEE 21st International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), December 2022, [Event].
- Matching-based Scheduling of Asynchronous Data Processing Workflows on the Computing Continuum
Narges Mehran, Zahra Najafabadi Samani, Dragi Kimovski, Radu Prodan;
IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), September 2022, [Event].
- A Two-Sided Matching Model for Data Stream Processing in the Cloud – Fog Continuum
Narges Mehran, Dragi Kimovski, Radu Prodan;
21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid), February 2021, [Presentation], [Slides].
- MAPO: A Multi-Objective Model for IoT Application Placement in a Fog Environment
Narges Mehran, Dragi Kimovski, Radu Prodan;
9th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT2019), October 2019, [Slides], [Event].
- Towards Multi-metric Cache Replacement Policies in Vehicular Named Data Networks
S. Ostrovskaya, O. Surnin, R. Hussain, S.H. Bouk, J. Lee, N. Mehran, et al.;
IEEE International Symposium on Person, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'18), 2018.
- A non-uniform cache size allocation scheme in Named Data Networks (in Persian)
Narges Mehran, Naser Movahhedinia;
21st Iranian National CSI Computer Conference (CSICC), 2016.
- Scheduling of Distributed Applications on the Computing Continuum: A Survey
Narges Mehran, Dragi Kimovski, Hermann Hellwagner, Dumitru Roman, Ahmet Soylu, and Radu Prodan;
2nd Workshop on Intelligent and Adaptive Edge-Cloud Operations and Services, December 2023, [Event].
- Comparison of Microservice Call Rate Predictions for Replication in the Cloud
Narges Mehran, Arman Haghighi, Pedram Aminharati, Nikolay Nikolov, Ahmet Soylu, Dumitru Roman and Radu Prodan;
3rd Workshop on Distributed Machine Learning for the Intelligent Computing Continuum, December 2023, [Recorded presentation].
- VE-Match: Video Encoding Matching-based Model for Cloud and Edge Computing Instances
Samira Afzal, Narges Mehran, Sandro Linder, Christian Timmerer, Radu Prodan;
1st International ACM Green Multimedia Systems Workshop, MMSys, 2023, [Event].
- CNN-assisted Road Sign Inspection on the Computing Continuum
Narges Mehran, Radu Prodan;
2nd Workshop on Distributed Machine Learning for the Intelligent Computing Continuum, December 2022, [Event], [Recorded presentation].
- Traces of Edge Device Utilization and Microservice Requirements/Replicas
Narges Mehran, Nikolay Nikolov;
Dataset (version 1), Zenodo, March 2025.
- A trace of microservice time, call rate, and number of replicas
Narges Mehran, Zahra Najafabadi Samani;
Dataset (version 3), Zenodo, November 2024.
- A trace on microservice time and call rates
Narges Mehran, Arman Haghighi, Pedram Aminharati, Nikolay Nikolov, Ahmet Soylu, Dumitru Roman and Radu Prodan;
Dataset (version 1), Zenodo, October 2023.
- Edge infrastructure traces
Zahra Najafabadi Samani, Narges Mehran, Dragi Kimovski, Josef Hammer, and Radu Prodan;
Dataset (version 1), Zenodo, November 2022.
- SC18, SC21, SC22, SC23.
- UCC18, UCC21, UCC22, UCC23.
- PDP19, PDP22, PDP23.
- CCGrid19, CCGrid20, CCGrid21, CCGrid24.
- Europar20, Europar21, Europar22, Europar23.
- BPOD2024 (at BigData24).
- Intel4EC22 (at UCC22), Intel4EC23 (at UCC23).